Organic Maca is a tuber or root, that is considerably higher in proteins that other roots or tubers of similar size. The content of iron and calcium is also more concentrated in this root. For this reason, it is considered a vegetable food with great energy value.

• Rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, sulfur, iron and silica

• Contains nearly 20 amino acids and seven essential amino acids

• Maca is adaptogenic, meaning it can help stabilize and maintain many of the body's systems such as endocrine, circulatory and immune system.

• Contains alkaloids (Macamides) that may play a role in enhancing libido

The properties of the Maca root are almost endless, since it is recommended for use in cases of malnutrition, convalescence, memory loss and weakness or deterioration of bones such as osteoporosis. It is also recommended for cases of infertility or impotence.

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